my bloody eye or one reason why i'm a liar.

look into the BLOODY EYE!!! Posted by Picasa

so. that's really my eye. i just took that photo. yep. my eyeball is bloody. and starting to turn a lovely shade of yellow. yes indeedy. gross factor: 10.

i was sitting at my computer on sunday night with my bloody eye, growing increasingly frustrated with my orchestration assignment (more specifically the composition software i was using), all the while checking my eye every once in a while to see if it was getting worse. and it was. there was more blood. more and more. blood. in my eyeball.

so i took a break.. i checked my email and found some photos shavizzle sent me from her phone. photos that included me holding Quentin, (the child of some friends of ours), me wearing a pair of sunglasses with my head wrapped in saran wrap covered by an enormous fuzzy hat, me fighting off advances from my pal allison, among others..

i looked back over my shoulder at eq sitting on my bed drawing midget willie nelson and told her to look at the motherly photo. she said something like "that kid looks like it could be yours". i agreed. and then i joked about telling people that it in fact was mine. she convinced me.

you see. i had an eye that was starting to get really bloody. i needed some humor. i needed an outlet for my frustration. so i decided that making up a big fat lie for my friends would do it.

i don't have a child. i didn't leave my child with his grandparents (or some random streetperson) to go to burning man. i didn't suck back the hooch at the end of his incubation while in south america. i didn't hide something like that from my friends. (believe me. i can't keep surprises very secret for very long.)

and all of you are so nice. i'm glad i have the kind of friends who will send me encouraging messages, messages with warm wishes - wishes surrounded with confusion and concern and genuine excitement for something so untrue. although i wonder how many "i wonder who that father is"s there were. enough, i'm sure.

so. i plead boredom, frustration, peer pressure and my bloody eye.

and if it makes you feel any better, i will be walking around for the next week and a half or so with this scary bloody eye. it is starting to yellow, and it might turn greenish as well. people look away. (and in some cases, look back for a second go.) it's pretty gross. and i can't wear contacts. (obviously. thank god i invested in my spectacles.)

so i'm sorry if it (my funny joke) caused any discomfort. i won't do it again.

i am a liar. yo soy un mentirosa.

but. good things come from situations like these. i got a phone call last night from one of my favorite people ever. she said she didn't really believe the news. she asked me to be a bridesmaid. she is running a marathon soon. she is lovely and funny and i will hopefully see her over christmas break, possibly ring in the new year with her.

so that's that. i hope it's as funny to you as it was to me.

and if you're upset. look into my BLOODY EYE!!!?!?!?!


Anonymous said…
does that "i think i would have won" mean mike's the father? :) --eq
Well, on the lighter side....maybe you could invest in a pirate eye patch for the duration...

What the hell happened to your eye anyway?

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