trying something new

i found a random recipe for chocolate chip cookies on the ol' internets and voila, as the french say. while i don't think i could really taste the espresso coffee powder the recipe called for, i could taste the deliciousness overall.

i've never made chocolate chip cookies before. my sister always made them. i never had to. they were always delicious. and they still are, we had some last christmas when i spent my holidays in brooklyn. but i didn't feel like waiting until i made that trip again to have some homemade happy biscuits.

so i went for it, tried something new. waited until about ten o'clock at night so the heat from my oven wouldn't drive me to pull the shelves out of my fridge and hide-out until i felt cool enough to crawl out of its dark, frigid belly.

i like baking. i like to cook new things. i like going for it, putting together something that might work and then having it be something i want to eat all two dozen of immediately. (i didn't. i shared.) they were a little more crunchy the next day than i would like, but that didn't stop me from eating a sandwich-bag-full on The Train between here and a meeting in The City and back. i'm considering making more, seeing as i have all of the ingredients and no more cookies. plus. i do have to perfect my recipe.


and what's a post on the internets without a picture of myself of some sort. i took this photo when eQ and i were driving to the haunted cement plant:

that's where you'll find me now. trying something new. you should do it too. try something new.


Those cookies look Real Good!
stereo said…
new cookies please.

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