day late and a dollar short

what the Big Sis (a current resident of The Big Apple) had to say about september eleventh:

Today is the day in my neighborhood when burly men can hug each other in the street outside the bar and do that manly hug that is all embracing, with lots hard pats on the back without looking around and feeling embarrassed.

I think its a better reminder than having to watch all of the news shows with the same footage and same stories fake being empathetic so they can all pat themselves on the back for the Best 10 o'clock 9/11 Retrospective News Special Feature anyway.

and i need to mention my computer is in the shop at the moment, has been out of order for a small while now and hopefully within three to six days i'll have it back, and will be able to share photos from The Burning Man and other stuff with you all. until then it is some of that old fashioned sporadic internet action. reminds me of my younger days, back when i had to walk somewhere to connect with others.

be good.


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