
(snow) Posted by Hello

that's my red focus there. i'm not going anywhere at the moment. if you look past my car, you can see a group of folks trying to dig out their truck. ha. there are shovellers everywhere, digging out parking lots and other people's vehicles.

the streets are filled with people driving around with pretty much no idea of how to handle a car in the slush and snow. my brother calls them "new nevadans". the influx of californians into the reno/sparks area becomes pretty apparent at times like this.

last night coming home from The Life Aquatic, it was funny to see the cars people had parked on the side of the road and abandoned because they were stuck.. the thought "uhhh.... good enough..." ran through hundreds of minds, i'm sure.

anyway. it snowed. a lot. a crazy amount. at the end of my street you can usually look down at the city lights and see reno in all of its glory. last night it was complete darkness. no city lights. quiet snowfall. it was kind of.. well.. sweet..

well. enough of this.

feliz ano nuevo.

er. something.


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