a brief exchange

(photo of lampy. my coin fish lamp. it's nice and relaxing in a time of insane stress and sleepless nights.)

so i bet i only have a moment. my internet has been erratic at best. lame.

it couldn't have stopped working at a better time. i've been head deep in schoolwork and a connection to the internet, the outside world, anyone, would have proved to be deeply troubling. i'm not good with the self-discipline when it comes to being able to check my email every five seconds. and chatting with people far away. although i would like to listen to my internet streaming music player thing. alas.

my study music has mostly consisted of the opera pelleas and melisande. oh debussy, how you provide adequate background music to my stress!

anyway. i'd better skedaddle. i have a bellyfull of good food (thanks broh-ther!) and work to do!


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