meow mrow mrow: happy birthday harper

harper is a year old today.

the decision to seek out a feline companion was not "well thought out" or "unspontaneous" in any way. it took about two days from start to finish, and at the end of it i had a little kitten friend snooping around my apartment.

he was such a cute kitten.

then he jumped off of the couch onto the coffee table, missed the landing and cracked his little kitten femur. they put in a metal pin that was attached to an exterior metal brace. it was scary and expensive and kind of funny.

it's been an interesting year for me and harper, that's for sure. and i'm looking forward to many interesting years to come.

yes, he's a cat. and yes, i love him. and yes, i'm wishing him a happy birthday.


shavizzle said…
happy (now belated) birthday harpsichord!
stereo said…
i was in a coma and missed harpooner's birthday. did his gaggle of lady friends show up for the birthday bash?

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