it's only a paper moon

Posted by Hello

(hanging over a cardboard tree? muslin tree? wha?)

that there's a photo from a late night walk when the moon was big.. i've taken to ten o'clock jaunts around the neighborhood.. on this night, the moon was huge and pretty.. a dog chased me.. i heard the loudest cricket i've ever heard... (when i stopped to set my camera on someone's retaining wall, i leaned up against it and this cricket started really chirping.. it was almost uncomfortably loud..)

there are exciting things happening:

i bought my plane ticket to peru. this is incredibly adventurous. my sister and i are travelling down there at the end of july. my buddy pete will be our unoffical travel guide and interpretor. i'm looking forward to seeing him and where he's been and what he's doing. it's a pretty cool thing what he's involved in and up to. so. it'll be a great time..

two of my favorite people in the whole world have gone official and have "announced" they are getting hitched. while this isn't the most surprising news, it's very exciting and i've tried to call and congratulate, but as it says in the announcement, the phone bill hasn't been paid.. and jen and i have started planning our Congratulations Trip up north this winter.. it's about time for a Cat Lady Reunion.. (especially since one of the ladies is getting married. spinster no longer. woo!) it's been years and that is a tragedy.

i'm taking another trip out to the playa.. another box office misadventure.. i can't believe the man burns in 65 days.. holy shit..

also: i'm attempting to bake a Bavarian Beer Cake.

(that's where. you'll find me now.)


~Bungalow Bill~ said…
I've seen that moon.

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