damned things, anyway.

why? Posted by Hello

i can't seem to make pancakes. i'm very good at preparing a pancake batter. (as seen above) i can do that. i can make it from scratch. i even make a soy pancake batter. (seeing as we have no milk, usually.) i mix all of the ingredients. i make sure i stir until just blended, still sort of lumpy. but i think my pan is too hot or i'm using the wrong thing to "lightly grease" it. it says hot in the recipe, so i make sure it's nice and hot. i don't think i wait long enough to flip the stupid things. premature flippings. that's me. they end up either looking all mangled, dark brown/black around the edges, gooey in the middle or just sort of... weird.. isn't this supposed to be one of the easiest things to make? it shouldn't take much.. i must keep trying, though..

i had the second (of many) dentist appointments today. i found out not too long ago that i still have insurance until the end of march. this was soon after i found some gargantuan holes in my teeth weren't getting any smaller. (cavities i've had since forever. since the first time my insurance ran out. ugh.) so. i've had two occasions upon which i've found myself lying in the torture device that is the patient's chair at the dentist's office. i also have had to make appointments for the consultation and further extraction of my wisdom teeth. this news i found rather disappointing and somewhat frightening. (i have an overwhelming fear of all things dental. i'm not if i've mentioned this, but it's The Noises that get me the most. a close second being The Pain, of course. it scares me. so much so that i checked the "has a fear of going to the dentist" box on my health/medical record when i went to my first appointment here.. something i may've kept to myself in another situation due to a sort of shyness towards Things I Am Truly Afraid Of..) and with the onslaught of rent/bills coming up in a week or so, i'm not sitting too pretty as far as the financial situation is concerned..

such is life, i guess. feel free to welcome me to the Real World.

because well. that's where you'll find me now.


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