what's the internet?

i had a conversation about a week ago with a kid where i told him i didn't know what the internets were. granted there was more to this exchange than just...

- Have you seen the internet?

- Internets? Wha? (blank stare)

but the strange thing was, he seemed like he kind of believed me. how odd, i thought. can't he tell i'm being funny?

he also caught me off guard when he asked me pointedly what i was doing in the lobby area of the group of offices where my advisor has her Home Base. one of those what are you doing here? kinds of questions. now, we've shared a few looks - he's a percussionist in the campus band i had to conduct a few times. he knows i'm a music kid. i wouldn't say i know him. it was funny, is all.

this is all leading somewhere.

here are a few things i've found Of Interest On The Internets to me over the last month or so:

a recent dispatch from david byrne:
I’m not sure I know anyone, anyone at all, who is completely sane.

replace the text and they will sing it for you. be prepared for the creepiness:
let them sing it for you

if you need a few dancing moves:

how to dance properly


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