what's not to love?

seriously. there's never ending fun on this internet thing.

creepy unicorns!

yes. that's a garbage can full of weeds. big weeds. lots of big weeds.

i spent last sunday pulling these varmints out of the ground.. our little backyard area was starting to look like The Cat Lady House on Cleveland Boulevard. (yes. the time when we had the cops called on us for our yard. twice.) although my apartmentmate said she "kinda liked them", they had to go. yard care is in our contract, y'see, and they were getting huge. very large.

felt good, though. cleaning up the yard. i read somewhere yesterday that putting banana peels in the soil near your rose bushes is good for them. because of the high amount of potassium the plants'll get from the peels. food for thought. (literally! ha!)



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